

Yes, it's true, Takeru Kobayashi a.k.a "Competitive Eater" has a new challenger -Bennett had rice cereal for the first time this week. He LOVED it. Or should I say, he INHALED it (literally). He liked it so much that he couldn't wait for Dad to scoop up another bite - he went for the tray instead. Smart kid.

He's a natural at this eating thing. We're very proud. ;)


Candace said...

Ohhhh my, way to go!!! Sooo cute.

Amanda said...

WHAT A CUTIE!! I am glad he loved it!! And his Dad looks so proud! Did it help his sleeping?

My boy and I said...

He is ADORABLE! You guys are such a cute family!

Torgersons said...

This makes me excited to try it now! He's too cute. I love the licking of the tray :)